Hot and Cold Mug Review

Hot and Cold Mug In order to stay in good health, we need to maintain our bodies well feed, rested and hydrated. If everyone knows that food and rest can sometimes be dismissed, without drinking lots of liquids our body will dehydrate and start acting in many different and unpleasant ways.

In order to prevent that, during one day we should drink lots of fluids (water, juice, coffee) that will keep us moving and give us a buzz of energy. But what is actually annoying when you are trying to have a cup of coffee, tea or anything that is hot, is that you always risk to burn your tongue. Unfortunately, this happens to me a lot, especially when I go out and order hot drinks, and the waiter forgets to tell me how hot my beverage is. But I can’t put the blame only on the waiters, since I usually end up mixing cups at my office.

Wood Laptop Stand

Wood Laptop Stand Soon, everything in our home will be made of wood. Including technology (yes, wireless connections too) I must admit, it’s a cute metaphor, to „get back to your roots”.

The idea is very simple but very clever and useful. Instead of placing your laptop on the table where there are “hazardous” liquids lying around, or holding it on your lap where there’s always the risk of dropping it when you move (or if you’re like me and use the laptop itself as a coaster), then you will definitely be interested in a wooden laptop stand.

Wooden Engrain Keyboard

Wooden Engrain Keyboard Honestly, from afar it looks like a black and white chocolate. Up-close you reveal a very innovative approach on a keyboard. Disregard the usual plastic and choose a wooden experience.

The Engrain keyboard was designed by a student in Brooklyn and there were several tests done to establish fabric (including stone and sand). Finally, wood was the best option, for comfort and familiarity. Each key has a different texture and position. This allows your fingers to know their location on the keyboard. A production of these would be just lovely. Be careful with termites, though.