Phone or tablet for the web? It depends on what you need it for!

Nowadays people use both tablet devices and mobile phones for accessing the internet, but when it comes to establishing which of the two represents the better device for this purpose, it perhaps depends on what you need the web for.

Certainly, tablets have been marketed on the idea that they represent a cross between a mobile phone and a laptop computer, offering the convenience of the former, crossed with much of the functionality of the latter; and certainly in a lot of ways, tablets do provide the best and most convenient option for using the web.

Phone or tablet

One way in which this is definitely true is if you are using your device to play any sort of game on your mobile, largely because of the more impressive size of the screen offered by tablets.

HTC Rezound

Android phones are a popular choice among consumers. One Android-operated phone that is worthy of consideration is the HTC Rezound which you can get from phones4u. This phone has some terrific features that many Android fans have chosen.

HTC Rezound

The HTC Rezound has a display that measures 4.3 inches. Equipped with a super LCD screen, it features a resolution of 1280 by 720 pixels. Given these specs, the Rezound is definitely one of the larger Android phones. While it may not be pocket sized, the dimensions of the Rezound make it possible to use for watching movies and playing games. The phone does weigh 6 ounces; however, the size of the display more than compensates for this additional weight.

Have fun with Sony Ericsson MBS-200 Portable Bluetooth Speaker

Sony Ericsson MBS-200 Portable Bluetooth Speaker I have a Sony Ericsson W850i phone since 2007 and it’s still working amazing, like in the first day. The Sony Ericsson W850i is a Walkman-branded phone in a slide design and it features Sony’s award-winning Walkman music player with great memory for around 1,000 songs, a built-in FM radio, 3G video calling and a 2 MP camera.

I’ve never bought anything for this phone, but now I’ve received as a gift this amazing wireless portable speaker that connects wirelessly to the phone and I can listen to my favorite songs in high quality stereo audio.

What’s in the box?

I’ve received the Sony Ericsson MBS-200 Portable Bluetooth Speaker in a small box with its charger, the user guides and, from the first look I knew that this is a great gadget.

DOOM game now runs on WebOS, with hardware acceleration

If you want to watch the game DOOM running on a mobile phone, better than in the case of the iPhone, the answer comes through the Palm or WebOS. Apparently, the game was ported to this operating system and on your Palm Pre, where it even has 3D acceleration:

DOOM game now runs on WebOS, with hardware acceleration

This is not the first port of the game, but once the upgrade of WebOS, evolved graphics capabilities of the platform.