Question by shauna: How do I get internet on a nokia 770 internet tablet?
I recently bought a nokia 770 internet tablet, it says that I access the internet through wifi or cellphone. Can someone give me the information on wifi? What is it? How do you use/activate it and are there any fees? Do I need services like an internet provider with monthly fees? Are there any other things that I may need to purchase?
Best answer:
Answer by uradork246
You can go online 3 different ways with your new tablet. You can go online the same way you would with a laptop. You can use Bluetooth or you can pair it with a phone. The first link I put is a pdf file. If you go to page 20 it will show you the 3 different ways to go online.
The second link is a interactive demonstrations which can help you go online also. Go to „Managing Connections” under „Feature Demos”.
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