Silicone Sports Watch

Silicone Sports Watch – Pink

Silicone Sports Watch
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Silicone Sports Watch is a trendy and feminine pink watch. It is made of Eco friendly Silicone rubber and is ionized. What does this mean to you? Today, pollution and stress has taken a toll on everybody’s lives. Stress is a chief culprit of life threatening conditions including hypertension and cardiac problems. Thanks to Silicone Sports Watch, you can now forget health woes due to stress.

This watch emits negatively charged ion and Infrared Rays, which is absorbed into the body. It travels through the blood and Lymphatic System, via body cells. When it travels through the blood stream and lymphatic system, it makes the person calm, reduces tension and stress, renders a good night’s sleep, boosts energy and resistance, improves concentration, improves immune system and over all health of the person wearing it. What can be a better gift than this for your loved ones?

Does Size Matter in Your Tablet?

Every time we turn on the television or surf the Internet, commercials and banner ads tell us that size is everything. When it comes to purchasing a tablet, the old stereotype perpetuated by the executives at Apple is that bigger is better.
With a slew of new tablets contending for Apple’s number one spot in the market, the mythology of more screen space and a wider physical design is hard to argue with. Why wouldn’t you want a tablet that blatantly allows you to view content like movies, eBooks, and games on a larger screen? There are three factors to consider when purchasing an iPad contender: size, price, and versatility.

Samsung Galaxy S 4G

Apple unleashed a giant swarm of impersonator tablets after the iPad release. The original intention for the iPad was for users to generate content and use it like an actual computer. Due to the limitations of the tablet device, competitors like the Android based Samsung Galaxy and Amazon Kindle had the idea to make the device smaller so it would be easy to use when waiting in lines or partaking on other tedious tasks.

Nokia N9 Review and Photos

Nokia N9 Nowadays, if you want to be seen as cool and interesting, you have to own a gadget. New things attract new people, so in order to keep up with the world, you need to adapt to its requirements. But the best part of this deal is that besides having an awesome look, you can take benefit of many advantages. For example, when buying a telephone, this will be able to take pictures, record videos, establish connections via internet and many other useful applications.

Speaking of phone, Nokia has recently revealed the pattern of a new smart phone called Nokia N9 which will be released later this year. Apart from having a special design, the new Nokia N9 is an all-screen device that turns the experience of using your phone into a wonderful journey. Because all you have to do is swipe, you don’t need menu buttons or any other complicated keys. All you have to do is run from one application to another, easy and fast.

Nexus TrailBrazer is an efficient, fast and portable Multi Card Reader

Nexus TrailBrazer Multi Card Reader The TrailBrazer designed by Nexus is a small and useful device that lets you manipulate data found on almost all types of storage cards that are available on the current market, including but not limited to SDHC, SD, M2, Micro-SD and MicroSDHC. The multi card reader supports almost all types of card readers (except Sony Ericsson memory sticks, memory sticks duo or M2 memory cards), like the ones built for mobile phones or cameras, and which are of any size.

Nexus’ contraption is great for moving data on the computer (with or without adapters) and you no longer need all the wires that tangle and strangle you. You can store music, pictures, documents, video footage or other types of files on or from your computer. Moreover, because the Nexus TrailBrazer uses memory cards, the device and also be used as a flash drive, ideally for directly moving, copying or accessing files and folders between two computers.

What really makes it stand out from other types of card readers is that TrailBrazer also lets you access information found on your SIM card. This is particularly useful if you have a bunch of old SIM cards lying around the house but you can not access the data on them. With the TrailBrazer you can easily transfer, backup, store and edit contacts or text messages found on your SIM card.

ASUS announce release of revolutionary new PadFone handset

ASUS PadFone The boundaries that separate the tablet computer from the smartphone are becoming increasingly blurred thanks to touchscreen technology and ever-improving hardware. Now it seems that electronics manufacturer ASUS are about to add more confusion to the situation, as they announce the impending release of their latest smartphone/tablet device: the PadFone.

The PadFone has been causing a stir amongst smartphone and tablet PC manufacturers of late; it promises to allow users to switch between smartphone and tablet for a “seamless experience”. In essence, the device is a top of the range touchscreen smartphone that docks into a tablet PC device; although both devices will be able to utilise a single SIM card for network connectivity on both devices.

ASUS have made some bold claims about their latest offering and have just released promotional video material on YouTube, showing potential users the enhancements which they envisage the device will grant in day to day life.

Nokia C3 Review and Photos

Nokia C3
Nowadays, the society in which we live in, demands us to be always alert and in contact with other people. For that to happen we need to be equipped with the best technological devices (telephones, computers, laptops, iPods etc.), that can provide us the best connectivity and speed possible.

Nokia C3 Review

Nokia, the wide known brand, has recently released its new and exquisite model: Nokia C3 QWERTY smartphone. Even if, at a first glance this telephone is not very different from the others (especially if we think about the “touch-screen fever” that has “corrupted” almost every breathing soul), you will discover that it is an updated and fine crafted version of Nokia 72.
Starting from its breathtaking, metallic colors: slate grey, golden white and hot pink (this was made especially for you, ladies!) and continuing with its various applications (Nokia Messaging Service 3.0 for Email/ Chat/Communities), Nokia C3 it’s a must have of the season.

HTC announce 4G Sensation delays

HTC 4G Sensation
Those smartphone enthusiasts who were hoping to get their hands on the impending 4G Sensation from mobile manufacturers HTC may have to wait a little bit longer than first thought…

The news comes as mobile provider T-Mobile have just recently announced the release date for HTC’s latest offering, which comes after that which was initially rumoured. This latest information comes as a minor setback to all those HTC fans, who were keen to try out the latest gadget from the increasingly-popular manufacturer.

A brief glance at the HTC Sensation 4G’s specifications quickly reveals why there are so many smartphone enthusiasts who are eager to get a hold of the device; it comes well-stocked with an impressive list of the latest features, including, a HD display (960×540), a nippy dual-core processor and a 4G connection – a list of specs that many say give it the potential to become one of HTC’s new flagship smartphones.

Have fun with Sony Ericsson MBS-200 Portable Bluetooth Speaker

Sony Ericsson MBS-200 Portable Bluetooth Speaker I have a Sony Ericsson W850i phone since 2007 and it’s still working amazing, like in the first day. The Sony Ericsson W850i is a Walkman-branded phone in a slide design and it features Sony’s award-winning Walkman music player with great memory for around 1,000 songs, a built-in FM radio, 3G video calling and a 2 MP camera.

I’ve never bought anything for this phone, but now I’ve received as a gift this amazing wireless portable speaker that connects wirelessly to the phone and I can listen to my favorite songs in high quality stereo audio.

What’s in the box?

I’ve received the Sony Ericsson MBS-200 Portable Bluetooth Speaker in a small box with its charger, the user guides and, from the first look I knew that this is a great gadget.

iPod Touch Review

iPod touch has won an incredible fame across the world. It is widely referred as an iPhone designed without the phone. The latest iPod touch has all the exceptional features like the iPhone’s. It includes all the essential features including big screen, 16 GB, 32 GB storage capacities, WiFi connection and other features of the iPhones. You do not have to pay anything extra, as the iPod has everything of an iPhone. With the iPod touch, you can effortlessly load the songs as its storage is extensive and you can even upgrade it as well.

iPod Touch

This exclusive device is designed, developed and marketed by the brand masters Apple Inc. Being featured for multiple usages; it has a media player that is portable and convenient for use. It has the ability to store a long list audio files, music and even high resolution pictures. Secondly, the iPod touch helps the user with digital assistant. Next is its Wi-Fi internet platform. It facilitates an enhanced browsing whereby you can stay connected with your friends and friends online. This device was introduced some few years back, and now it has been the best sold and most sought after device in the world market.

Cool Temperature Control Faucet Light

Temperature Control Faucet Light

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I love this cool temperature control faucet light for a long time, since I’ve seen its advertising on the TV and then I’ve found it on many internet pages. I’ve read all the comments and reviews about it and now I’m more than happy to write about it, having one. Mini in the Box sent one temperature control faucet light for review and I will present you all the benefits of having one.

Temperature Control Faucet Light

You can purchase the Temperature Controlled Faucet Light from for only $6.99, where you can find other LED Faucet Lights available.

This is the second generation faucet light and it comes with two adapters, which makes it easier to fit on any type of faucets.