The Dangers of Social Networking: “Facebook Depression”

Most of us spend time on social networks, like Facebook or Twitter. While our maturity stop us (or a part of us) from crossing a line, teens are in danger of falling into a depression.


Teens spend so much time online that they lose all contact with reality. Do you need proof on that? Have you noticed they don’t meet their friends for coffee? They just… „hang out” online. They share their most personal experiences with the entire world, hoping that they will gain some sort of trusted community to rely on. And when something fails, all hell breaks loose.

For example, there have been plenty of couples that have broken up due to some „event” that took place on Facebook: an inappropriate picture, a peculiar „added friend”, a suspicious „like”. Kids get competitive and jealous even when they read the bigger number of friends at someone else, or the successes others have. Unfortunately, teens read too much into this and fall in despair.

The Latest Amazon Kindle eBook Reader

Book readers have had the luxury of enjoying their favorite copies on a portable device for quite some time now. But they’ve never really had many perks to it. Luckily, the latest Amazon Kindle eBook Reader will change that.

Latest Amazon Kindle eBook Reader

The gadget weighs 8.5 ounces and has the thickness of a pen. Design is ergonomic, making it easy to hold and read, no matter what position you’re shifting to. It doesn’t heat up like your laptop, so you can read from it as long as you want, and it doesn’t require any software to be installed. Store over 3.500 books that you can download within 60 seconds.

The paper-like screen has a better contrast with darker fonts and no glare from the sun. Its battery can last up to a month (with wireless off) or 3 weeks (with wireless on) and the package includes a U.S. power adapter and microUSB cable for plugging your Kindle directly into your computer.

How to Intelligently Buy a Sport Car

Men’s weaknesses (and a few women’s): women and cars. The fact that all guys love a beautiful fast car is an understatement. But not everyone knows how to smartly purchase a sport car.

sport car

In the beginning, establish an affordable budget and think what’s more important to you: power or gas mileage (by considering what type of gas you car will use, you can easily save money). And let’s not forget about maintenance. Don’t get fooled by the car’s purchase price because its upkeep can slowly kill your finances.

In addition, can you drive your future car through any seasons and weather conditions? If winter scares the mighty beast, then maybe you should reconsider.

Children vs. Cellphones

Have you even seen those tiny persons who hold a communication device in their small hands? Yes, those are our children. Is it ok for children to be having cellphones?

Children vs. Cellphones

I can honestly disapprove. And I won’t take that “well, I grew up without a cellphone and I turned out fine!” approach because it would seem a little hypocritical. But technology has a way of messing things up, even at an early age. I won’t disagree with a parent’s intentions – it’s all for the safety of our children (like having a cellphone in case of emergencies). But kids don’t really know how to appreciate this and they somehow turn it into a bad thing.