Guide to mobile broadband dongles

Having access to mobile broadband means that you can quickly and easily access the web and your email pretty much wherever you go in the UK these days. Although coverage isn’t completely universal, it is certainly extensive if you’ve got the right kit to do it with.

There are numerous options for accessing mobile broadband these days with the humble laptop still a popular choice for many of us. The netbook is another option and is often the better route to take if you’re looking for a more lightweight and less unwieldy gadget to have with you on your travels.

Mobile broadband deals

It’s possible to pick up a laptop or netbook for peanuts nowadays too, and some mobile broadband providers also throw them in as part of a package. Granted, you’ll probably have to sign up for a longer contract in that respect, usually a couple of years, but once the term has run its course the machine will be yours to keep.