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The Need For Whizzinators

First off, the whizzinator is a commercial product that you can buy in the market. Having the appearance of the male urinary organ, the whizzinator also includes the simulation of male’s urinary function. If you’re fond of pranks or sexual games, you can certainly use this product for such reasons. However, you have to know that this whizzinator is commonly used in supervised drug tests to enable you to substitute your own urine sample. Due to that fact, a synthetic urine supply is needed in order to substitute your own urine using the whizzinator. It’s also important that you have the necessary heater packs for your synthetic urine so that the drug testing committee won’t catch you using artificial urine.

The whizzinator also have similarities in other related products in the market. Similar functions also exist for products such as the urinator and the pissinator. You should know that the whizzinator is an improved version of the pissinator and the urinator when combined and added with realistic male genitalia appearance.

It’s a fact that the whizzinator became quite popular when a former NFL player was caught red handed falsifying their urine sample in a drug test. Needless to say, the player was caught using the device along with synthetic urine in it. Having that in mind, using the whizzinator is something that you shouldn’t publicize if you don’t want to get caught in the first place. Just so you know, it’s also a fact that some celebrities use whizzinator during their drug tests.
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Facts about the whizzinator touch
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You should know that the whizzinator touch has been invented to provide a seemingly realistic urine sampling. The operation of the whizzinator touch is just as the name says; you’ll have to touch it to function. In order to provide the synthetic urine from this device as sample for your drug testing, you’ll need to press the tip so that the substance will be squeezed out of it. The reason this idea was made reality is due to the fact that the previous whizzinator model is operated by flipping a switch. Since this is something that’s not really natural to look at, the whizzinator touch came into existence. Of course, the switch still exist for the whizzinator touch, but it is now insider of the device rather than outside. Due to this fact, using the device looks very natural since you’ll need to squeeze it to flip the switch. Of course, if you want the whizzinator to function as intended, you shouldn’t forget to setup the synthetic urine with it. Of course, you will need to turn off the switch once you’ve filled the container with the synthetic urine.